About Me

Hello, I’m Rachel, just a girl from Oklahoma currently living in Wyoming. My life is pretty simple and I love it. I’m married to my perfect match, have two loving parents, the best sisters anyone could ask for, and some of the greatest friends in the world. I’m a lover of mornings, books, coffee, boots, red dirt music, horses, riding horses, organizing, laughing, decorating, cooking and “trying” to be crafty. My passions are Christ, my husband, volunteering, helping others and developing my business.
This is my baby, Sunny. I really miss him!
Like I said, my husband, Matt and I currently live in Wyoming in the small town of Lander. But we’re proud to be homegrown Okies, he from Oklahoma City and I from Tulsa. We met just little over a year ago while he was back home visiting friends and family. He was already living in Wyoming; his job took him there about five months before we met. Just five short months later we were married and I was moving to the Cowboy State.

I never thought I’d live this far West, but I’m loving the experience. Right now, it’s just the two of us-no kiddos, not even a dog.  We travel quite a bit and in our free time we enjoy exploring the outdoors, taking pictures of nature, hiking, going on walks, doing DIY projects, watching Duck Dynasty, listening to music and going to concerts. Here are a few of  our photos we've taken on our outings.

We are both all about family and have been blessed with two of the best families anyone could ask for.  We love when we get to go back home to visit our family. They’re the greatest!

Our Big Happy Family!
So since I don’t have children yet, or a dog,  you’ll probably notice I talk about my husband quite a bit. He’s pretty much the best thing that has happen to me and he’s my best friend. He’s who I get to devote all my attention to-the one I get to talk about and brag about. He’s my life, but I have other loves too and you’ll get to hear a lot about those as well. One of my favorites is my professional organizing business. I love organizing. It’s what I do and who I am-an organizer.It makes me happy and I truly have a passion for it.  It's a way for me to use my talents to help others. I have a page devoted solely to my business, "Organizing with Rachel". Please check it out! Here is some of my work.



My hope for this blog is for it to be an inspiration to others, especially women. As women, we tend to lose ourselves in the midst of trying to be everything to everyone. I sometimes find myself here, but one thing I've learned is that I am God's and he has a great plan for me. He shows me that every day. I hope to share with you my faith, my worries and overcoming them, my inspirations and passions, and my desire to become to the woman, wife, future mother, daughter, friend, and sister God wants me to be.

I so look forward to meeting and making some wonderful friends on this new journey!

God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. I loved reading all about your passion for the Lord and for life! Oh and I've always wanted to visit Wyoming...it looks so beautiful in all the pictures I've seen!
    I'm excited to check out your organization blog as well...I'm kind of in the nesting phase of my pregnancy so I have been dying to organize EVERYTHING in my house much to my husbands horror;)
    Thanks for sharing your life; I look forward to reading more!
    Love from Faith
