Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Being Friends and Embracing Your Differences

Let the wife see that she respects her husband. ~Ephesians 5:33


Happy Tuesday, Friends! I know I’m a day late with my Marital Bliss post, but better late than never. I really wanted to make a marriage post this week, and I wanted to talk about the importance of being friends and respecting each other’s difference.  
One thing I love about my marriage is the friendship Matt and I share. From personal experience, I know this isn’t always the case in some relationships whether dating or married.  Friendships are usually built on common interests that are shared among individuals. Matt and I are a lot alike in many ways. Since the day we met, we’ve joked about sharing the same brain. I think this is something that makes our relationship so strong and has built a great friendship between us, but though we share more of the same interest than not, there are still those differences between us.   
Respecting those differences between you and your spouse is another key to building a strong friendship within your marriage. One way we respect the differences between us is by showing interest in what other likes or is passionate about. I love talking and asking questions about Matt’s job. I really do want to hear about it and understand it better. I don’t want to run out and start doing the job alongside him, but I want to know what his days are like away from home. We’ve actually found ourselves in some great conversations when discussing his work. In return, he shows his interests in my work and usually offers some great ideas in the process of our conversation. Does he want to come to a Clever Container class or organize a home office with me? Probably not, but he respects what I do and love. Same goes for our hobbies. He respects my love for horses and I respect the pleasure he finds in fishing, going to the lake, doing DIY projects or whatever it may be.
The differences between you and your spouse shouldn’t separate you and be excuses to do things without each other, they should be what brings you together and builds a friendship that is everlasting. My husband really is my best friend. Of all the friendships I’ve had, the friendship with my husband is by far the best one. I’ve never been so open and honest with anyone else. He takes me as I am, loves me unconditionally, supports me but also guides me-a perfect example of what a friend should be.
Many Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. At the beginning of our marriage I would have said we were best friends. But it wasn't until the last five years,15-20 that I truly came to understand what that really meant. He is now my best friend. I have a couple of girl best friends too and I think a healthy marriage needs for the wife to have best girl friends. But I don't ever dishonor him to them. But through everything, he is with me and supports me and loves me like none other on this earth, I think that's what makes him my best friend.
