Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hey Everyone! Welcome to Early Morning Bliss. I thought I’d start this blog with a little explanation of my goal for the blog and what you can expect to gain from it. I’ll first begin with the meaning behind the blogs title, “Early Morning Bliss”. It’s hard to come up with a name for a blog, and so many things came rushing through my mind, such as “Everyday Inspirations”, “Delightful Inspirations”, and “Inspiring Everyday”. You get the gist; I wanted my blog to be inspiring to others. Well, all of those titles were taken, which probably means you can find a lot of “inspirational” blogs out there, and I actually love the thought of that. Anyway, since those wonderful titles were unavailable, I decided to switch my focus to “What inspires me?” and  ”when am I the most receptive to inspiration?”. Well, for me, that’s early in the morning. I have always loved mornings. I actually look forward to them. There is something about morning that is peaceful, calming and intriguing. It’s as though the rest of the world is still sleeping, and I’m the only one awake. It’s the only time of the day when I can really hear the birds chirping, watch the sun rise, and reflect without any interruptions.  There is something about it that is captivating. Morning is when I spend time with God reading my bible and praying; it’s when my creative juices are the most lively; it’s when inspiration hits me right in the face; it’s when I have those “aw-ha” moments; it’s when my mind is clear and I can prepare for another wonderful  day ahead of me. It’s the most beautiful time of the day and that’s why I decided to call my blog “Early Morning Bliss”.

My goal for this blog is to inspire and motivate. We get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to stop and reflect on what a beautiful world we actually live in. I know, because I have been there. Before moving to Wyoming nine months ago, my life back home was non-stop. I was a grad student who worked full time, was obsessed with working out and really had no time to rest.  But I loved that life, and to be honest, I didn’t know anything else. I’d always been that way and thought I would go crazy if the day came that I didn’t constantly have something going on.  Well, was I in for a rude awakening when I moved to Lander, Wyoming. Life moves at a very slow pace here, including the people. It was definitely an adjustment and I have to admit I struggled with it for quite some time. I wasn’t going to school, I wasn’t working, there wasn’t a Gold’s Gym in the entire state and it took at least two hours to get to the nearest Target. Yes, life was going to be different. But after struggling with it for a while, one morning I decided I could either spend however long I was going to be here depressed and upset or I could embrace this time and turn into something positive.  

And that’s exactly what I did. I learned to love where I was living and taught myself how to love where I was at in my life. It wasn’t something that happened over night; I still had those days where I felt so isolated from the rest of the world. But today, I can honestly say I have come to embrace every day that I am here. I have been blessed beyond words with a wonderful, loving, caring and supportive husband; I have seen some of God’s most beautiful creations that I would have otherwise missed out on had I not lived here; and I have met people that have changed my life and will forever be in my heart. Being here has slowed me down to where I can breathe and reflect on this beautiful life I have so graciously been given.  I know the day will come when we will move and more than likely our lives will go back to the hustle and bustle of city life, but my hope and desire is to continue to take time to slow down and take in the beauty of life and its surroundings. And that is my hope for you as you read my blog, that although life is busy and crazy, we can and should take the time to find the beauty and blessings in every day. So what I’d love to share with you throughout this new journey are things that are motivational, inspirational, fun and creative. I hope you will join me and find joy in every day that is given.

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