Thursday, November 29, 2012

Online Bible Study: "Greater Things"

This week I started an Online Bible Study, and I can’t express to you how thankful I was when I found this opportunity to join thousands of people all over the world come together to experience what great things God has in store for us. It’s only the first week, and my heart is filled with joy and extreme peace. This is going to be an amazing journey.
This week our reflection verse comes from John 14:12…”I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

When I read these words, they seemed a little outrageous…do even greater things than Jesus? That’s impossible. And even if it was possible, how overwhelming is that?! These were the thoughts going through the head as I read this verse. But that’s not what the verse is saying at all. I can’t do greater things than Jesus, I am not perfect like He is, but with my faith in Him I can be greater than what I am today. With Him, I can do greater things. I can do what God designed me to do with my life.
Recently, I’ve been overwhelmed with this desire to want to do more for others, “save the world” if you will. That’s how I’ve felt, as though I was going to save the world. In other words, I was taking on too much and at the end of the day, did nothing because it was too overwhelming and seemed impossible. But during this first week of the Bible study I’ve learned that I don’t have to reach “greatness”, I just have to work towards being “greater”. God is going to grant me the abilities and the strength to do what he asks of me. I just have to start small and listen. This is possible, with God anything is possible.

It's not too late to join this OBS. Just go to


  1. I am so where you are right now. And like the book says, start smaller. Start where you are. And, like I tell my kids-just start! May God bless you on this journey!

    Jennifer Newsom
    OBS Group Leader.

  2. I am so where you are right now. And like the book says, start smaller. Start where you are. And, like I tell my kids-just start! May God bless you on this journey!

    Jennifer Newsom
    OBS Group Leader.
